Friday, 11 January 2013

Analysis of CD Back Cover

The pink written code stands out and highlights the promotion of well known DJs which will attract more fans to buy the CD. The colour emphasises the name and it becomes highlighted showing the audience that this is more important than the track song.

Track 4 is a VIP Remix this is a conventional idea since most songs in the dubsteo genre are edited or remixed.

The debris in the background tells the audience the aggressive and destructive nature of the music.

There is an unconventional number of track names, on average there is 11 to 12 we only chose 8.

The last song is called 'Last stand' which is a conventional last song on an album.

Thec bar code is conventional because it is on nearly every product.

The record labal is conventional for CD covers because it promotes the record label and shows the audience who the artist is signed to, which may attract audience to buy music from the same record label.

Analysis of CD Cover

The main title is a written code, it is in a large bold font to clearly show the audience who the artist is and the font is very distintive and the font hints at the genre of music.

Technical shot of the high angle audience dancing to symbolise the pace and performanc3e aspect of the music, the low angle shot of the DJ makes him look more important on the CD cover.

Written Symbolic codes of the clear sign of censorship towards the audience.

The buildings at the side of the CD is a symbolic code because it hints that the music is gritty and dark.

The lightning shows the energetic nature of the music and tells the audience that the music is aggressive and loud.

The header clearly states what the album title is, and is smaller than the main title since the promotion of the artist is more important.

The fire stands out because it is in colour unlike the rest of the page, the fire shows the audience that it is aggressive and fast.