Friday, 14 September 2012

Development of our Music Treatment Idea

When we discussed our initial idea treatment to Luke, he highlighted key points which will make oiur video verry challenging to film, Luke highlighted that we will find it very difficult to have the freedom to film in any location we want, he told us that it would be hard to find the right location for our video wsithout having to contact the owners or anyone who lives there, since we want to find a run down street, people who live there may be insulted by our representation of characters in the video. Also since we want to film a violent scene in public, people who see the fight may think it is real, and therefore the police could stop the filming. This is why filming in public locations such as streets, car parks and highstreets can become costly and difficult. In my opinion location is our biggest worry since we won't have a budget and we also won't be able to find the right location quickly. Another problem highlighted were the characters, Luke told us that we may find it difficult to cast the right characters from people at Hurtwood, which means we would need to look outside of school for to take part in our video.

One development of our treatment was the plot, instead of having on big fight, we have decided to add a narrative, where a small time dealer gets beaten up by three rival gang members/drug dealers, we then see this injured dealer struggle back to his house/safe house/ drug den, where his bos becomes raged with anger and vengeance agfainst these rival gang members/drug dealers for injuring his friend. The boss and others decide to go out and fight back against these rival gang members/ drug dealers, it then concludes with with a big fight at the end where the boss wins thew fight against these gang members/drug dealers.

The postives drawn from Luke was that this idea and treatment has the potential to be very good, but we face big obstacles to achieve this. We still have a lot to develop but I think that our idea can be effective and will be a successful music video.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew

    Really good pitch this mornng, well done. Listen carefully to the feedback offered by Luke and myself. Track is good we just need to develop the concept. Your blog makes excellent reference to real media and I can see how you are developing this for your music video. I do think more attention could be paid to the presentation on your blog. You do use text and image well to express and evaluate your ideas.

