A lot more time went into the organising os the final product compared to the preliminary task, the main task was much more complicated and detailed compared to the preliminary task. On the shoot day there was much more organising needed for the shoot day to run smoothly for the main task compared to the preliminary task where we just picked any actors we could find, we used the set which was already there which wqasnt ours and we didnt write the script, and we werre given a storyboard as the main task we had to make all of these ourselves which meant much more time and care was out into the main task compared to the preliminary task.
Looking at the differance from the prlim task and our main task it is obvious that i have improved in my film making skills, you could also see that my editing skill had improved too. I also noticed that we used no dialogue in our main task but in the prlim task we did and yet the sequence with no dialogue was the most entertaining and effective in being a successful thriller.
We also used much more interesting camera shots in the main task compared to the prelim task where we used only stationairy camera shots for instance we used many hand held shots in the main task as we used the tripod for every shot in the prelim task. Using the hand held camera shot it makes the shot much more interesting and differant, it also makes the scene more thrilling because it moves with the action as the tripod makes the shot very still and slow. The prlim task was a much slower pace sequence than the main task which i think provs that we have learnt as being a film maker since we have made a more successful and effective thriller in just a few months. During the prelim task we were very careful with our shots such as the 180 degree rule, as when we were filming the main thriller task it was much more natural and we were much quicker in successfully recording differant camera shots.
In the prelim task we used only the dialogue as sound as the sound in the main task we edited and put in sounds such as gun shots, we also used ambient sounds to create atmosphere and tension which were absent in the prelim task.
In the final product we used lots of special effects such as gun flashes and sounds weere also edited in which added more detail and depth to the thriller sequence, we really demonstrated our knowledge and abilty of final cut pro and after effects in the main thriller task as in the prelim we had much less knowledge which is why there is very little editing and no after effects. It proves that we have progressed from the prelim task to the main thriller sequence.
The mis-en-scene was differant too, in the prelim task there was no mise-en-scene at all, they were in there own clothes, we used any room we could find and we picked any characters we could find at that time of day. As in our main task we took more time in deciding the mise-en-scene of the thriller, we chose specific characters weeks in advance, we also chose the location of the sequence carefully too so that it would give further indications of the plot, the characters and it also develops the believability of the sequence. We took more consideration into what the characters wore too, the costumes tell the audience what the character is like and it shows implications to the characters personaility and personna.
We also used much better camera shots in our main task than our prelim task, in our prelim the shots didn't have much meaning but in our main task the camera shots were used much more effectively, which had meaning unlike our prelim.
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